Taklimat Pelan Anti-Rasuah Organisasi dengan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM)
14 October 2021
The Association collaborated with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to jointly organise a workshop on the topic “TAKLIMAT PELAN ANTI-RASUAH ORGANISASI DENGAN SURUHANJAYA PENCEGAHAN RASUAH MALAYSIA (SPRM)”. This workshop was held on 14 October 2021 from 8.30am to 1.00pm on a virtual platform.
Close to 250 members from the MSB industry attended this session. The presenters include TPj Mohamad Zamri bin Zainul Abidin, Timbalan Persuruhjaya, Bahagian Anti Pengubahan Wang Haram, SPRM, PPj Raymond Nion Timban John, Ketua Unit 2, Cawangan AMLA, Bahagian AMLA, SPRM, PPj Mohd Fauzi bin Maslam, Ketua Unit 1, Cawangan AMLA, Bahagian AMLA, SPRM and Ps Mohd Hazni Mohd Rathi, Penguasa, Bahagian Anti Pengubahan Wang Haram, SPRM.
In the afternoon, MACC organized a closed door session between 70 MACC Officers and MAMSB Council Members. The purpose of the meeting was for MAMSB to present its role and responsibilities and scope of service as an association. This was a productive session that brought about better awareness and bilateral understanding between the parties.