Communication of National ML/TF Risk Assessment (NRA) 2020 – Money Services Business
23 Sepember 2021
Bank Negara Malaysia organised an engagement session with the MAMSB & GOCO on the National ML/TF Risk Assessment (NRA) 2020 on 23 September 2021.
In their recent email to MAMSB, BNM thanked the Malaysian Association of Money Services Business (MAMSB) as well as the Group of Compliance Officers (GOCO) for the support and contribution given during the course of the National ML/TF Risk Assessment (NRA) 2020, specifically pertaining to the sectoral risk assessment (SRA).
For your information, the NRA findings and recommendations were endorsed during the recent National Coordination Committee to Counter Money Laundering (NCC) High Level meeting (NCC HL meeting) on 23 July 2021. The overall outcomes of the NRA 2020 is targeted to be published in 2021.
This closed door session was attended by BNM representatives and 50 MSB players.