Malaysian Association of Money Services Business



Capacity Building

> Workshop

Fundamentals of Cyber Security for Money

> MSB Digital

Engagement Session with Industry

MAMSB Regional Industry Engagement sessions are organised once every quarter in the year to enable the President and the CEO to connect with members on MAMSB’s day-to-day activities, events, updates on regulatory matters and also present industry-related issues for the members’ feedback. These sessions also provide a sound platform for the Council to gauge the pulse of the MSB players and create conversation on important issues that impact the industry at a micro and broader level.

In Q1, Regional Industry Engagement sessions were held in 4 different regions beginning with Central on 21 January followed by Southern on 2 March, East Malaysia on 17 March and Northern Region on 19 March 2022.

All regions were represented by Chairperson of the region and the Office Bearers including Secretariat. A good turn-out of 70 persons at the Central Region and about 20-30 persons at other regions.

Footprint & Collaboration
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)

MAMSB Regional Industry Engagement sessions are organised once every quarter in the year to enable the President and the CEO to connect with members on MAMSB’s day-to-day activities, events, updates on regulatory matters and also present industry-related issues for the members’ feedback. These sessions also provide a sound platform for the Council to gauge the pulse of the MSB players and create conversation on important issues that impact the industry at a micro and broader level.

External Engagements & Events

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

> AGM 2023 Reports

Notice & Agenda for Postphoned AGM 2023

Minutes of 2022 AGM

Council Reports

Treasurer’s Report

Resolution to Amend 12 Clause to MAMSB Constitution

> 2022

3 September 2022


The 5th Term Council has been advised by the Registrar of Societies (Shah Alam) that the Association must fill up the casual vacancies as provided under the Constitution of the Association. We seek the cooperation of all our Members and Associates to register your attendance on the EGM Day to make the requisite quorum so that the Association will be in compliance.


As always, the Association went through the process of seeking nominations for the vacant positions and also conducted interviews under the Nomination Evaluation Committee as required under Clause 21 of the Constitution. There are 3 casual vacancies of which 2 positions were uncontested and the candidate’s information forms are attached herein for your perusal.


As the Association did not receive any resolution/ motion from the members by or on 5 August 2022 as provided under the Notice issued on 31 May 2022, the EGM will proceed on a single agenda. We look forward to your attendance and continued support to proceed with the EGM as scheduled.

Notice of EGM 2022

MAMSB - Candidate information form for Rakesh

MAMSB - Candidate information form for Amarul Hanif

> 2021 AGM

After much excitement and intense preparation, the Secretariat finally got together on the bright sunny afternoon of 21st August with our President Dato’ Sri Jajakhan, fondly known by all as JJ and our Assistant Secretary, Leow Su Lin at the MAMSB office in Damansara Intan to host MAMSB 2021 Virtual Annual General Meeting.

We engaged Convene Malaysia Sdn Bhd, professional e-AGM virtual service providers to facilitate the conduct of the AGM and PKF Risk Management Sdn Bhd was once again appointed as our scrutiniser. As this was not an election year, we were happy to note that approximately 178 out of 296 members registered to meet more than a quorum to proceed with the 2021 AGM. The agendas were discussed and approved in a smooth and agreeable manner.

MAMSB welcomed its 2 new 4th Term Council members who were nominated via the processes provided under the MAMSB Constitution; CEO of TNG Digital Remittance Sdn Bhd Mr Sarveswaran Raja Gopal, a well-known personality in the MSB industry as MAMSB’s Class B Council Representative and CEO of Alif Money Changer Sdn Bhd Tuan Haji Ahamed Sidique bin Abdul Latiff, stalwart member from Class C represent the Central Region Members. We look forward to their respective invaluable contributions to the association.